Payment Link
The fastest way to get paid

Accept payments in just a few clicks. No code required.

  • Accept payments anywhere, anytime
  • Set up easily with no code or website required
  • Accept credit card and e-wallet payment with Payment Link
How it works
Create your payment link
Enter the sale amount and order information to create your unique payment link.
Share your link
Share your payment link via email, instant messaging tool like Whatsapp, or social media like Instagram.
Get paid
Track your payments within KPay Merchant App and get notified by email when the payment is successfully received.
Why choose Payment Link?
No website? No problem
Create payment links using the KPay Merchant App, and share the link with your customer through social media, chat apps and email with just a few clicks.
A secure way to accept payments
With 3-D Secure authentication and PCI DSS level 1 certification, you can securely accept remote payments through Payment Link.
Accept payments anytime, anywhere
Don't miss out on any business opportunity! Payment Link allows you to close deals within the conversation with your customers, turning every chat into a sale.
Streamline management & tracking
Manage your links and transactions all within KPay Merchant App, making payment management a breeze.
Support up to 6 types of payment methods

We support businesses of all kinds

Professional service

Focus on what you are good at without having to worry about how to get paid. Beauty, education and other merchants from professional service sectors can collect reservation fees using Payment Link at ease.

Social retail

Market and sell on social media to increase engagement with customers and drive sales. Easily share Payment Links with your customers to make the purchase frictionless.

B2B industries

Collect down payment from your buyers remotely with major payment methods.

Frequently asked questions
Q1. What payment methods are supported?
Payment Link allows your customer to pay with the following methods:
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • UnionPay
  • JCB
  • AliPay
  • WeChat Pay
  • UnionPay QuickPass
Q2. What do I need to apply for KPay’s Payment Link?
To apply for our Payment Link, you will need to prepare a valid ID document, Certificate of Incorporation (for limited company), Business Registration Certificate, company bank statement and other supplementary materials to satisfy compliance requirements. For details, please contact us here.
Q3. How long does it take for a paid transaction to reach my bank account?
Payment Link’s transactions may have different settlement periods than offline in-store transactions (i.e. from KPay POS terminal).
Payment Link’s settlement amount will arrive at the merchant's bank account as fast as 5 working days (T+5)*.
*Subject to merchant's business nature and categories. KPay reserves the final rights of decisions.